Look at our 6 gas scooters
677 Curé-Labelle
Blainville, Québec
J7C 2J5
Contact us
T: 450 933-6433
C: info@scootterre.com
Contact us by:
mail : info@scootterre.com
tel: 450-933-6433
Mars to October
Monday to Thursday 9h00 to 17h00
Friday ...............................9h00 to 17h00
Close for lunch between 12h00 to 13h00
Monday to Thursday 9h00 to 17h00
Friday .......................... . Close
Close for lunch between 12h00 to 13h00
December to Febuary
Open on appointment
Nous sommes ouvert sur rendez-vous.
We are also available for appointments.